Tuesday 16 October 2007

Laganside Courts

Recently I posted a pic of this new landscaping development at Laganside Courts Complex - well here we have the updated version and, as you can see, it is starting to shape up nicely. On the left is the old Belfast Courthouse with the modern Bar Library behind (looking not a bit unlike the new Opera House extension). To the right is the new Law Court and behind it you can see the new Victoria Centre (with the odd shaped roof). The (martian!) dome is hidden at this angle. In the middle distance you can just make out two women with suitcases - not (I believe) tourists but a couple of legal eagles who find it easier to transport all their paperwork in wheeled cases instead of arm-breaking briefcases. Ironic really when you consider how the term briefcase came about.

... oh and the public house hidden by the Bar Library was previously called Rumpole's (as in 'Rumpole of the Bailey') and is now called The Advocate in keeping with the legal connotations.