An obsessed Big Brother fan has quit her job so she can watch the entire series.
DJ Hannah Clarkson gave up a £15,000-a-year show on Portsmouth radio station The Quay to follow the show. She watches it all day and then catches the late-night highlights.
She said: 'It is the best programme around and I cannot bear to be without it. My career can wait. All my friends think I am incredibly sad but they will be asking me what is going on, I can guarantee it.'
Her former boss, Sam Matterface, said: 'I do not understand why anyone would give up their career to to watch a load of mindless idiots on TV for three months.'
This is probably the only thing that I and Paul McCartney agree on. Big Brother is for mediocre people.
So, no more bullying in Celebrity Big Brother – where’s the reality in that, asks Frank Furedi
The media regulator Ofcom has responded to the complaints of 45,000 offended viewers of Celebrity Big Brother by ruling that the programme made 'serious editorial misjudgments'. Ofcom wants Channel 4 to 'exercise their editorial duties responsibly'.
This ruling has some interesting implications for the programming of so-called reality television. As everyone who has watched it knows, reality television is anything but real. C-list celebrities rarely come together to live the lives of adult Teletubbies in front of a camera in 'real life'.
Now Ofcom insists that the fantasy world of Big Brother should become even more unreal through the censoring of forms of behaviour that could outrage an apparently easily offended British public. So, just like in real life, no more harsh words or bullying please!
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