I can remember, as a child watching the coal carts being pulled up the small but steep cobbled hill in front of Tedfords and the horses then stopping to be watered at the trough beside the Albert Bridge. On icy mornings another horse, which was tethered to the wall which gave on to the railway track, would be hitched to the front of the cart to assist in the struggle up the hill.James Tedford, who founded the original business, was a Sea Captain
who began his business in New Street in Donaghadee and only moved to the
burgeoning city of Belfast in 1851. He is buried in Donaghadee churchyard. His
move to Belfast was clearly to follow his mentor, James Lemon, who had
successfully moved a similar business to Donegall Quay a few years earlier.
Lemon was also a ship-owner and chandler. In 1798 he had been possibly the only
member of Donaghadee’s wealthy establishment to sympathise with the ideals of
the United Irishmen, and must have spent up to forty years facing down his old
Loyalist and Anglican friends who would never have ceased regarding him as a
one-time rebel. History from Headstones: