Friday, 28 September 2007
The Highway Code
But now smoking behind the wheel could result in their being prosecuted for driving without due care and attention.
Under the new Highway Code, which comes into force today, having a cigarette while driving is a breach of the rules of the road and classed as a "distraction
New additions to the Highway Code include drivers being advised to stop if they are dazzled by the sun.
Can't you just see the fun that will cause if hundreds of motorists stop on motorways because they have been dazzled by the sun?
Thursday, 27 September 2007
The Thursday Comic Strip - Pogo

Pogo was the title of a long-running (1948-75) daily comic strip created by Walt Kelly, as well as the name of its principal character. Set in the Georgia section of the Okefenokee Swamp, Pogo often engaged in social and political satire through the adventures of the strip's funny animals. Since Pogo occasionally used slapstick physical humor, the same series of strips could often be enjoyed by young children and by savvy adults on different levels. wikipedia:
Pogo website:
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
New Guinness world record
So what? it's just another ridiculous world record to appear in the Guinness book of records. If you want to see the photos then go to the Reuters website or google it. Frankly I don't think it's worth the effort.
Madeleine McCann in Morocco?
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
My Top 10 Restaurants
1. Metro Brasserie, Belfast
1. Ginger, Belfast
3. Robinson's Bistro, Belfast
4. StoneBridge, Richill
5. Cutters Wharf, Belfast
6. Grace Neill's, Donaghadee
7. Coyles, Bangor
8. Balloo House, Killinchy
9. Old Moat Inn, Dundonald
10.Villa Italia, Belfast
I Like Trucks
This one is for dr em - who thinks this is a great song. I was beginning to think she had dreamt it until I finally found this on YouTube. If you want to watch the video be sure to click the pause button on the playlist to the right.
If you want to download an mp3 of this song - you can find it here:
Autumn festivals

Today we can celebrate the Moon Festival (Mid-Autumn Festival) in Hong Kong
This traditional Chinese celebration is marked by shrines of gifts to honour the moon goddess, with lantern displays and deliciously sweet moon cakes on sale.

Galway International Oyster Festival
September 27 to 30
The Irish port of Galway's annual oyster festival is a collective binge on the oysters that grow wild on the sea beds of Galway Bay. Highlights include the World Oyster Opening Championships and an Oyster Pearl Contest.

But ...For wilder times, head straight to the Oktoberfest in Munich, which is synonymous with beer, all things Germanic and constant partying.
Mile high scrub!
Passengers on the flight from Nanning to Chongqing complained that the man was spending too much time in the toilet.
An air attendant knocked on the door, and then noticed water flowing out from underneath it, reports the Chongqing Morning News.
"We had to open the door with a key, and saw that the man was half naked," said the attendant.
"When he saw me, he said he was bathing, and asked me if I had some shampoo."
The man, Jin Sheng, said it was his first time on a plane.
"I discovered the bathroom had hot water, so I thought of taking a bath, since I hadn't had one for nearly a week," he explained.
The airline could not punish or charge Jin, as there is nothing in the regulations to prohibit passengers from having a mid-flight bath. Ananova
Well, I can't see the problem here - other than possibly airlines not providing facilities for people who want to freshen up.
Sunday, 23 September 2007
Friday, 21 September 2007
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Bank of Ireland
George Melly farewell.

I think that is the way I would like to be seen off
Cherie Blair - 'The autobiography'
The book - which Mrs Blair is working on without the aid of a ghost writer - will be published in October next year and is likely to be accompanied by a high-profile (highly lucrative?) promotional tour of Britain and the US.
Mrs Blair is known to have kept meticulous records of day-to-day events throughout her decade in Number 10, and her publishers said the memoir would draw from "a mass of information, including diaries, notes and emails".
Now, that's what I call forward planning.
Perhaps significantly, the book will come out within days of next year's Labour conference.
Best female singer ... you can not be serious!!
The troubled star was named best female singer at the Mobo awards and later scooped the best female live act prize at the Vodafone Live Music Awards.
Just goes to prove how ridiculous these awards are now.
That's a bit drastic, isn't it ???
Is it a bird, is it a plane ....
Almost 20 villagers, from Gemeni, Mehedinti county, claim the UFO was wearing a shiny blue suit, just like Superman's.
Police officers took written statements from all of the witnesses and say they described the figure in the same way.
Local policeman Ion Anuta said: "We talked to people of different ages who are all reliable citizens in our village.
"They all said they saw this strange creature who flew over their houses in his shiny blue costume. We'll just have to see what happens next."
Villager Constantin Toader, 41, said: "He looked like Superman and was flying slowly at about 100 yards from the ground in a standing position. He didn't make any smoke or sound. Just cruising around."
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Sunshine and wine
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Garden Gourmet

Monday, 17 September 2007
What is happening on Blogger?
Madeleine McCann - the ongoing story
… yesterday (15th September 2007) it was revealed the joint head of the probe is set to face a criminal hearing over an alleged cover-up in the three-year-old case of a girl who also disappeared in the Algarve.
Chief Insp Goncalo Amaral is accused of concealing evidence that police tortured the mother of Joana Cipriano, eight, into a confession. Leonor Cipriano later retracted her statement but was convicted of murder and jailed for 16 years.
Three other officers are also being investigated, including recently retired Chief Insp Paulo Pereira Cristovao, who writes for a Portuguese newspaper that has leaked several stories about the investigation.
A further officer is accused of fabricating evidence.
This is also reported in the Telegraph
Unfortunately, unless Madeleine is found safe and well, we will probably never know the real truth.

More :
An article in The Guardian: With prejudice
Various articles in The Telegraph
Various articles in The Times
Sunday, 16 September 2007
Bangor or Burano
Friday, 14 September 2007
Duke of York
To look at this you would think you are somewhere in France but, no, it's the Duke of York pub in the heart of Belfast just down the street from the John Hewitt pub.
Nestled in the heart of the Cathedral Quarter, on one of the city’s oldest cobbled streets, The Duke of York was once at the centre of Belfast’s thriving newspaper district.
Little wonder then that it was frequented by the literati and the glitterati of that time, from newspaper hacks to poets, politicians and raconteurs. Ironically, it has outlived the publications that once employed its most devoted customers and today it is filled with paraphernalia of the printer’s trade, with great screw presses and wall murals made up of hot metal type.
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Today is Hadrian's Wall day

13th September AD 122:
Got up early, picked up the paddies in my chariot and headed off into Northumberland to start work on my wall. Those Picts sure are a pain in the ass though - always trying to climb over the wall. In the end we had to kick a few butts. Will have to put a stop to lunch in the pub - takes forever for the paddies to get back to the job. Should have let McAlpine take the contract.
Italy braces for pasta strike
The strike, which would see Italians refusing to buy pasta for a whole 24 hours, is being called for by consumer groups, in response to price increases of 20% that have hit the pasta market.
But producers say the strike targeting Italy's national dish is wrongheaded because the price is linked to a global rise in the cost of grains.
'It's a symbolic strike, which will have no impact,' said Luciano Berardi, commercial director of pasta manufacturer De Cecco, dismissively.
... and he's dead right.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
E is for Eagle

As I stand on the mountaintop, as the great bird approaches.
She is small in my sight, but grows larger on approach
until I am blessed with the full sight of her graceful wings,
proud countenance and good company.
All too quickly, she grows small again on the horizon and
disappears from view.
And I call out, "Look, there. She's gone."
But there are other mountaintops beyond me.
And at the precise momentwhen I note the great bird's departure from my view,
I know there are new eyes
taking up the sight of her.
And fresh voices calling out,"Here she comes!"
Henry van Dyke

D is for Directions
I see the building behind the sign has been renamed Lesley Building - blue boat has made a comment about Lesley Buildings here: I can't remember what the building was previously, but the ground floor is occupied by a building society and a new glass extension has been stuck on top, which didn't improve the look of the building.
... and here's something linked with blueboat's latest photo
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Monday, 10 September 2007
Romance in the city centre
Bus stop, wet day, she's there, I say
"please share my umbrella."
Bus stop, bus goes, she stays,
love grows under my umbrella.
All that summer we enjoyed it, wind and rain and shine.
That umbrella we employed it, by august she was mine.
Ev'ry mornin' I would see her waiting at the stop
sometimes she'd shop and she would show me what she'd bought.
All the people stared as if we were both quite insane.
Some day my name and hers are going to be the same.
That's the way the whole thing started, silly, but it's true.
I'm thinking of a sweet romance beginning in a queue.
Came the sun, the ice was melting, no more sheltering now.
Nice to think that that umbrella led me to a vow.
Graham Gouldman
Back to school

Saturday, 8 September 2007
G is for "Glasses"
Recently I posted a listed of my favourite restaurants but I think I am going to have to amend that. I think no. 10 - Giraffe will have to come out to be replaced by Coyles, Bangor. We had a meal in the restaurant a few weeks ago which was really something and today we had what was laughingly termed 'bar food'. I say laughingly because our meals were nothing like bar food you get served elsewhere.
I had warm rare beef salad with blue cheese, lentils and truffle, while dr. em had roast pork belly and honey glazing with creamed leeks, beans and savoy cabbage - she replaced the mustard mash with champ. For dessert - cheese platter for dr. em and chocolate mousse with cherries and almonds for me. I hope I am making your mouth water. So I think Coyles will have to step into the no. 7 slot.
Friday, 7 September 2007
Exit Music

Listen now to Ian Rankin reading the opening of Exit Music, exclusively for Guardian Unlimited Books.
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Christy Brown
Let me not go tamely out to sea
the eternal sea
the only sea
that waves us on to oblivion.
O let me rant and roar as the very
as always down all the bruised days of my reckoning .
Let me shout
and scream and laugh and curse
and pray in the hollow rock of my penitence.
Christ, you all-seeing son of an inconceivable woman,
don't let me
die between the sheets
or even between the thighs of some foolish ready
Let me die with the wild wind in my few hairs
the mad Irish
weather scudding over my mind
the bitter-sweet aftertaste of oaken beer
anointing my senses.
O Lord of wine and water
fire and snow
purifier and destroyer of all my days
grant me this;
that when I die
it will be under an Irish sky.
Your Bank Of America account is Blocked!
Talk to me
There was some speculation in the office about whether the person who had done this was male or female and some of us were accused of being sexist for assuming that only a bloke would have done this. One wag went as far as to suggest that it was the woman's fault in the first place (oh how we laughed). The question was almost answered when another colleague informed us that there were 2 more such signs on a nearby road, reading Ian, we need to talk and I'm nuts about you - so we decided that a woman was responsible until someone pointed out it could just as easily have been a man.
Putting gender aside, I hope Ian doesn't go all macho and still refuse to talk. Ian, somebody has spent a lot of time and effort on these and has declared publicly that (let's just assume that Ian is heterosexual) she's nuts about you so the least you can do is talk to her. Show us that you are a real man, talk to her and settle whatever differences you have.
I hope that, for her (?) sake you are worth all the bother and it all works out alright in the end.
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Revel - 23rd August 2007.
Not just in Belfast ...
G is for Girls
apologies for the poor quality pic - it was taken far too quickly, without enough time to focus properly
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Castelnaudary - 22nd, 23rd & 24th August 2007.
Monday, 3 September 2007
Carcassonne via Mirepoix - Sunday 19th & Monday 20th August 2007.
I can feel it ....
Sunday, 2 September 2007
Montsegur - Sunday 19th August 2007.
Surrounding countryside from the base of the rock (or Pog).
Surrounding countryside from the summit of the pog.
The stone memorial marking Camp des Crémats, the burning field, where a stockade full of firewood was set alight as the archbishop of Narbonne arrived to take possession of Montségur and all the souls who converted to Catholicism. All 225 Parfait climbed the ladders and jumped into the flames rather than abjur their religion.
Cloud descending on Montségur shortly after my descent.
Information on the siege of Montségur from: 'Gascony & the Pyrenees' by Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls and also
As I stopped, for a rest and a drink of water, I looked over the surrounding countryside and to my amazement there just a few feet away from me was an eagle gliding quietly towards Montségur. Unfortunately my camera was in its case and switched off - so I did not have a chance to photograph it - I could only watch as it slowly disappeared behind some shrubbery - but it is a moment that I will not easily forget. To me the eagle seemed representative of the power and strength of the former occupants of the fortress.
In Bulgarian mythology, the eagle is a creature that flies between the worlds from the mountain heights to the underworld depths. It never ages because it drinks from the lake of the water of life that lies at the end of the earth. It is the helper of heroes.