Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Catherine wheel

The Last Supper

The image is 1,600 times more detailed than those taken with a typical 10 million pixel digital camera.
Experts will be able to see segments as though just centimetres away and examine otherwise unavailable details.
Mystery of the vanishing sheep
It is the second time in a year that the flock has vanished, leaving no traces of their whereabouts.
After the first time, farmer Silvano Bacciarini, from the Magadino plain in Tessin, had to buy entirely new animals.
A baffled police spokesman admitted: "The only way to the pasture is by a remote track - the sheep were not driven away as there was no foot prints, nor was a lorry driven to the meadow.
"Yet we searched by helicopter and there is no sign of the animals anywhere."
Well, even extra-terrestrials get hungry (c:
Aliens blamed for fires
An Italian investigation into a series of unexplained fires in fridges, televisions and mobile phone is blaming aliens.
I rest my case ...
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Now here's a car ...

The Automobiles of London Auction at Battersea Park included cars from Formula One mogul Bernie Ecclestone's collection. metro:
Kidnapped blonde girl found in Morocco
Sources inside Spanish detective agency Metodo 3, hired by the McCanns, reportedly said Interpol was investigating the discovery of the girl living in the Rif mountains, the area where they were searching for Madeleine.
An insider said: "She was not Madeleine but she was an English speaker, possibly an American," adding: "It's entirely feasible that Madeleine could be in a similar situation."
Something good has finally come out of this.
Monday, 29 October 2007
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Project Jason, how you can help
Now you can help by selecting goodsearch as your search engine:-
GoodSearch.com is powered by Yahoo! and raises money for charities using a model similar to paid searches on Yahoo or Google (Research): Advertisers pay a fee whenever Internet users click on a given link. Last year search engines generated almost $6 billion through such searches.
I forgot to mention that this was recommended by chillzero who has been very supportive of this charity.
'Blackmail plot royal not senior'
You would think they would learn the Queen's English (c:
No she's not, she's German (c:
Tourist jailed, for being black
Frank Kakopa has been paid £7,500 after the Immigration Service wrongly held him in prison for two days.
Mr Kakopa, originally from Zimbabwe, was on a short break with his wife and young children in 2005, when he was stopped at Belfast City Airport.
He had proof he lived in England but was still strip-searched and jailed.
Welcome to Northern Ireland, we don't discriminate - black, white, orange, green - you will be treated as unfairly as everybody else
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Fireworks night at Seapark
I was hoping to include a piece of video but blogger keeps losing the connection. Video upload actually worked better in the beta stage.
The big rickety wheel - at night
Friday, 26 October 2007
Thursday, 25 October 2007
The Thursday Comic Strip - Asterix

Evening at the big rickety wheel
A couple of things you don't often see in Belfast ...
If you were one of the unfortunate drivers to be stuck in traffic in Belfast City centre tonight at about six o' clock you now know the reason.
p.s. the big rickety wheel doesn't open tonight - they hope to have it finished by the week-end. Not my fault, I hasten to add, BBC said '(the) 60m wheel is scheduled to open on 25 October, giving passengers panoramic views 200ft above the city.
Further update: from the Belfast Telegraph - And this evening, members of the Metropolitan mounted police will be joining Belfast Lord Mayor Jim Rodgers for the official start of the show signalled by a parade through Belfast city centre.
The Lord Mayor will leave the front of City Hall in a horse-drawn carriage and, escorted by the Metropolitan police, will make his way to the Odyssey Arena, via Chichester Street, Victoria Street, Albert Square, Donegall Quay, Queen Elizabeth Bridge and Queen's Quay.
Extortion on a grand scale

Wednesday, 24 October 2007
The Blame Game

The big rickety wheel - a close-up
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Arthur Square Artwork Competition

Arthur Square is a key location and will be a major point of access to the Victoria Square Development. The artwork will provide the finishing touch to the refurbishment of Arthur Square by creating an iconic structure that will be recognised as special to the revival of the city centre.
The final selection of the Artwork will be decided by public vote, which will run from Monday the 22nd October to Sunday 4th November 2007.
This is your opportunity to have your say. If you have already seen the artworks that have made the final list then go ahead and vote for your favourite artwork online.
Unfortunately there is not an option for - 'none of the above'
The Belfast Eye - phase 3 - the eye-pods
Sunrise over east Belfast with vapour trails
Monday, 22 October 2007
The case of the disappearing Christmas tree
It seems that a health and safety review discovered that the trunks of the trees were cracked and obviously posed a danger.
New trees will be on site soon.
Ballymena Times:
The local Ulster Unionist branch has already pointed out that the tree has gone up before Poppy Day .. which they deem improper.
Now it seems that all lights will be switched off as a mark of respect when ex-servicemen parade through the town to the Memorial Park.
Thanks to J for giving me the nod about this...
The Belfast Eye - Phase 2
I see blueboat has also posted two great pics of the Eye:
Does anybody know the name of Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter?
Deirdre said 'did the parents not sit down and discuss the ramifications of naming a child Apple?'
'If she turns out to be obese she will be called the big Apple, if she is sexually active she will be known as Apple tart and if she contracts a sexual disease then she will be crab Apple !!'
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Run for your lives - The Martians have landed!!!
mp3 my mp3

Record internet radio and save to mp3 or wav. Record streaming audio from the
Internet, microphone, or any other source for that matter. MP3myMP3 Recorder
works directly with your system sound card - if you can hear it, you can record
it! Use the scan tool to list all mp3, wav, aif, swa, or sun au audio files on
your computer - then play and record portions of any of these files. MP3myMP3
Recorder offers customizable colors, timer, on top mode, and skinning.
It may be that I have not set options correctly because I get a couple of error messages but clicking OK allows me to proceed and does not affect the recording.
The red circular button starts the recording, a square button then shows for stopping and a triangular button allows you to play back to check quality before you save as an mp3 or wav file. Couldn't be simpler. You can record on-line radio programs and save as a large file (you can record up to 1 hour) and then split it down later into smaller segments by playing back through Windows Media Player and recording via mp3mymp3 for as long as you want. So if you record a music program you could then chop it up into segments holding only the individual tracks.
You can record off youtube, radioblog etc. and build up a music library on your pc or mp3 player.
Friday, 19 October 2007
Thursday, 18 October 2007
Deborah Kerr :

British actress Deborah Kerr, known to millions for her roles in The King And I, Black Narcissus and From Here To Eternity, has died at the age of 86. Born, Deborah Jane Trimmer, in Scotland in 1921, the actress made her name in British films before becoming successful in Hollywood.
Nominated for the best actress Oscar six times, she was given an honorary award by the Academy in 1994.
Kerr, who had suffered from Parkinson's disease for a number of years, died in Suffolk on Tuesday, her agent said.
Kerr was the unfadingly ladylike and prototypical English rose whose red-haired, angular beauty and self-possessed femininity distinguished more than 50 films in four decades of cinema.
She made serenity dramatic; and though her poise might be ruffled at critical moments in scenes of passion (most famously exemplified by her encounter on the beach with Burt Lancaster in From Here to Eternity in 1953), her well-bred airs and social graces made her a model of British womanhood in Hollywood.
Her best-known film was probably The King and I, in which she played a haughty governess opposite Yul Brynner's Siamese monarch; and her principal problem as an accomplished actress was to convince Hollywood of her sensual potential. Although she herself was a more spirited, relaxed and informal person than her image on the screen suggested, producers were reluctant to cast her in passionate roles.
Nevertheless, when they came her way - as they did after From Here to Eternity - her type of refined sensuality proved refreshingly attractive, since it hinted at hidden desires and forbidden feelings, giving her acting an extra edge and interest.
If she still looked more at ease on screen as a nun than as a nymphomaniac, or as a governess rather than a seductress, Deborah Kerr loved to hint at what she called "banked fires", the volcano steaming away beneath the ice cap. And though she used merrily to deny that in younger days she had tried to seduce one of her old co-stars, Stewart Granger, in the back of a London cab (as he asserted in his autobiography), it was the contrast between her very British gentility and her sexual vulnerability that often gave her screen persona its savour.
A little bit of France
The Thursday Comic Strip - Little Nemo

David McWilliams - Days of Pearly Spencer
The boy from Ballymena with the original and still the greatest version of Pearly Spencer. Marc Almond never even came close.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
... and now for the local news
The lights will be turned on on 1 November - 55 days before Christmas, making it perhaps the first town in the British Isles to light up for the festive season.
Even Oxford Street in London does not light up until 7 November and the Belfast switch-on takes place 13 days after that.
A Belfast man scammed almost £250,000 worth of goods from B&Q and sold them on internet site eBay.
Philip Dumigan used fake barcodes which registered a lower price when he brought the items to the cashdesk.
A judge said the 36-year-old, from Tildarg Crescent, had been involved in a sophisticated scam which had required careful planning.
Work has begun on the construction of a "Belfast Eye" in the grounds of the City Hall.
A 60m wheel is scheduled to open on 25 October, giving passengers panoramic views 200ft above the city.
The 365 tonne structure has 42 fully enclosed capsules, each of which can carry six adults and two children for each 15 minute trip.
A source of geothermal energy found in County Antrim could have the potential to provide heat and electricity for Northern Ireland's towns and cities.
Scientists have discovered a subterranean water source 3,000 metres under Larne which reaches temperatures close to boiling point.
The energy source was found during the Tellus Project, which was undertaken to assess the potential of Northern Ireland's natural resources.
Garth Earls, Director of Geological Survey NI, said hot rocks deep under the surface of the earth had heated the natural groundwater at the site near Magheramorne to about 90 degrees Celsius.
Prospectors rush to Ulster gold strike
Nine mining groups are seeking permission to explore Ulster sites for gold, following the success of the Galantas mine, near Omagh, County Tyrone.
Ireland ranked friendliest place in the world
Prestigious travel guide Lonely Planet names Ireland as friendliest country in the world.
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Anybody for mulled wine ??
The heartbreaking sound of corks popping on 60,000 bottles of vintage wine could be clearly heard as a fire destroyed a warehouse in County Westmeath, the owner has said.
The fine wine - worth up to £350 a bottle - was destroyed at a merchant's premises in Mullingar on Monday night.
"It's like farming - there's a harvest season, and Christmas is our harvest season," he said.
More like rip-off season!
Junk Art
An artist is turning a year's worth of unwanted junk mail into a sculpture in her
Actually, all it is is a pile of junk mail stuck on a metal spike and somebody has decided to call it art !!!
Strangford Lough
I know this one is a bit late - but better late than never. On sunday we made another trip to Mount Stewart for the autumn fair and on the way couldn't help but notice the large numbers of (what I at first thought were) ducks swimming in the lough but, on investigating further, found them to be Brent Geese. It seems that three quarters of the world population of Brent Geese winter in the lough. According to the BBC 'Up to 15,000 pale-bellied brent-geese make the 3,000 kilometre journey from Polar Bear Pass in north-east Canada each autumn to feed on the lough's succulent eel-grass' but I have heard it reported that they are expecting 29,000 to arrive this winter. More here about Brent Geese.
Laganside Courts
... oh and the public house hidden by the Bar Library was previously called Rumpole's (as in 'Rumpole of the Bailey') and is now called The Advocate in keeping with the legal connotations.
Saturday, 13 October 2007
I'm a joker ....
Some people call me the space cowboy, yeah
Some call me the gangsta of love
Some people call me Maurice
Cause I speak of the 'Pompatus of love'
I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a midnight toker
I get my
lovin' on the run
Friday, 12 October 2007
Hasta Siempre - Comandante Che Guevara
Hasta Siempre is a 1965 song by Cuban composer Carlos Puebla. The song's lyrics is a reply to Che Guevara's Farewell Letter, at the moment he left Cuba.
The lyrics recount key moments of the Cuban Revolution, glorifying Che Guevara and his role as a revolutionary commandant.
The title means always faithful or until always in Spanish.
We learned to love you
from the heights of history
with the sun of your bravery
you laid siege to death
The deep (or beloved) transparency of your presence
became clear here
Commandante Che Guevara
Your glorious and strong hand
fires at history
when all of Santa Clara
awakens to see you
You come burning the winds
with spring suns
to plant the flag
with the light of your smile
Your revolutionary love
leads you to a new undertaking
where they are awaiting the firmness
of your liberating arm
We will carry on
as we did along with you
and with Fidel we say to you:
Until Always, Commandante!
Autumn Festival - Crawfordsburn Country Park

Killer moths!

Photographer: Jack Atley/Bloomberg News
Swarms of moths are invading Sydney's business district, cloaking skyscrapers and infesting hotels as they succumb to the bright lights of Australia's biggest city.
While the native Bogong moths migrate annually from the plains of northeastern Australia to the southern Alps, unseasonable winds are blowing them off course this year.
"You look at the side of the building and it's just like a huge growth of black moths,'' said Allan Newman, facilities manager at the Governor Macquarie Tower in central Sydney, which houses the offices of the New South Wales state premier. ``We've put extra cleaners on to vacuum them up when they get inside and have been sweeping the sides of the building.''
The only defense for human city-dwellers is to dim lights on the outsides of buildings to discourage the moths from taking up residence -- and wait, scientists say. The insects' detour will kill them within weeks because they can't work out how to continue their journey.
"They can never leave because it's impossible for them to identify natural light,'' said Martyn Robinson, a naturalist at Sydney's Australian Museum. "They will most likely just dehydrate and die because of the heat.''
The hot, dry summers of northern Australia's Queensland state force the moths to migrate from their breeding grounds to the cooler mountains, Robinson said. The nocturnal creatures navigate with the aid of moon- and starlight, and are confused by city lights when blown off course.
By yesterday, the moths had made themselves at home on the building of the state Department of Primary Industries, the ministry responsible for monitoring the vegetable-eating insects. They also flooded the foyer of Prime Minister John Howard's Sydney office.
"It was very difficult to get them out because they're bigger than the moths we have in Europe,'' Belfroid said. ``I was expecting to see all kinds of insects here in Australia, but the groups of moths on the buildings are not that nice to look at.''
Soon after Australia unveiled its new national parliament building in the city in 1988, an influx of moths left lawmakers clearing carcasses for months. Engineers were forced to cut the lighting and redesign air intakes, according to the country's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
Sydney building managers who want to deter the visitors should install yellow, red or blue lights that don't attract insects, said naturalist Robinson. Insecticides rarely work because the moths have tiny scales that protect their breathing holes from contaminants, he said.
Another option is to gobble them up. Australia's Aborigines used the moths as sources of protein and fat, roasting them in ashes and mashing them into a cake, said Robinson, who also feasts on the insects.
While some Bogong connoisseurs prepare omelets, Robinson said he prefers to pluck them off walls, remove the furry wings and eat them raw.
"They have a nut-like taste, but mostly they just taste like moth,'' he said.
Killer Squirrels!
Stealing squirrel has sweet tooth
Spy-squirrel menace strikes Iran
Psycho squirrel attacks Germany
Rogue squirrel forces down plane
Asbo threat for feeding squirrels
Lord ignores squirrel menace
Squirrel goes postal
Squirrel conman in pipe scam
Squirrel attacks four-year-old
Squirrels attack veterans' graves
Suicide squirrel starts 30-acre fire
Squirrel takes out opera singer
Suicide squirrels strike again
Squirrel News: Kamikaze squirrel
More rampaging squirrels: Lawsuit
Gangster squirrels strike again
Killer squirrel takes on the world
Killer squirrel threat grows
Smelly Wardrobes thinks The Lizards Will Destroy Us! I think these articles might prove him wrong (c:
Thursday, 11 October 2007
The Crack - update
Doris Salcedo, the artist responsible for the latest Tate Modern Turbine hall commission, has said she wants visitors to look down when they encounter her work and engage in quiet contemplation - rather than be sidetracked by the space's spectacular architecture.
Some, however, have failed to look down carefully enough.
The work - a long, sometimes foot-wide fissure that runs the entire length of the hall - was unveiled at a private view on Monday night, when someone fell into what is becoming known as "Doris's crack" (its official title is Shibboleth).
"We saw the first poor victim, a young woman who went into it with both feet up to just below her knees. She had to be dragged out by her friends," said one onlooker.
"Unbelievably, as we watched to see whether she was OK, an older woman deliberately stepped on it (she later told us, amazingly, that she thought the crack was painted on the floor) lurched forward and landed on the ground. She had a sore wrist to show for it."
.... what can I say? She's a woman (c:
The Thursday Comic Strip - Peanuts